Thursday, January 30, 2020

Stereotyping, Discrimination and Prejudice Essay Example for Free

Stereotyping, Discrimination and Prejudice Essay We believe that there should be mutual respect between individuals, which is a vital pre-requisite for social harmony. Our society needs to be more accommodating and less prejudiced. It is incumbent upon us to properly address the issue of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination in earnest so that we may move forward to a healthier and more caring society. 2. 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Stereotype is an image or idea of a particular type of person or thing that has become fixed through being widely held. Discrimination is to make an unjust distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, sex or age. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. (Source: Concise Oxford Dictionary) Stereotype is to decide, usually unfairly, that certain people have particular qualities or abilities because they belong to a particular race, sex or social class. Discrimination is the practice of treating one particular group in the society in an unfair way. Prejudice is to influence someone so that they have an unfair or unreasonable opinion about someone or something. (Source: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) Globally, stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice are understood as related but different concepts. Stereotypes are regarded as the most cognitive component, discrimination as the behavioral component of prejudicial reactions and prejudice as the affective. In this tripartite view of intergroup attitudes, stereotypes reflect expectations and beliefs about the characteristics of members of groups perceived as different from ones own, discrimination refers to actions, prejudice represents the emotional response. Stereotypes are not only harmful in their own right; they do damage by fostering prejudice and discrimination. Although related, the three concepts can exist independently of each other. According to Daniel Katz and Kenneth Braly, stereotyping leads to racial prejudice when people emotionally react to the name of a group, ascribe characteristics to members of that group, and then evaluate those characteristics. Moral philosophers have defined discrimination as disadvantageous treatment or consideration. This is a comparative definition. An individual need not be actually harmed in order to be discriminated against. He or she just needs to be treated worse than others for some arbitrary reason. The United Nations stance on discrimination includes the statement: Discriminatory behaviors take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection. (Source: Wikipedia) Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination reflect the human tendencies to conceptualize and value certain configurations of phenotypic features differently, and act on these thoughts and feelings in our interactions with members of racial categories. Racial categorization reflects the process of placing people into distinct groups based on variation in phenotypic physical features of the face and body such as skin color, hair color and texture, eye shape, nose width, and lip fullness. Racial stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination reflect the human tendencies to conceptualize and value certain configurations of phenotypic features differently, and act on these thoughts and feelings in our interactions with members of racial categories. In both overt and subtle forms, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination exhibited among individuals belonging to different racial categories has long been a significant source of social strife in American society and abroad. In general, individuals with physical features associated with Whites (lighter skin color, lighter and straighter hair, rounder eyes, narrower nose, thinner lips) are advantaged compared to individuals with features associated with other racial categories. (Maddox, 2012) In Ghana, stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice is alive and kicking in Ghana like it is in any other society. Specifically, the statement brings to the fore some of the unhelpful ethnic slurs or ethno-phaulisms that cut across Ghana’s multiethnic society. There are ethnic stereotypes like Ashanti men are braggers throw their money around and have a superiority complex but they are very ambitious and hard working. Ga men are big talkers but are not big spenders, they are too stingy. Ewe men use juju too much, but are good scholars. Fanti men are romantic and sophisticated but are too honest, so they lack tactfulness and diplomacy. Dagomba men are tall, dark and handsome, but expect one or two rivals wives if you marry one. Akuapem men are very polite and gentlemanly. Kwahu men are very business-minded but stash their money in their house rather than in the bank. 2. 2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM We are concerned with how stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice affect our judgment with others and therefore the relationship we have with people. 2. 3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS * Why do people stereotype, discriminate and prejudice against others? * What are the sources of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice? * What are the roles of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in tribal conflicts? * What are the strategies for dealing with stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice? 2. 4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To synthesize the people of KNUST, most especially the students as to effects of stereotype, discrimination and prejudice on KNUST campus. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: * Identify why people stereotype, discriminate and prejudice. * Examine the sources of stereotype, discriminate and prejudice. * Recognize the role of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in tribal conflicts. * Discover strategies for dealing with stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice related situations. 2. 5 ASSUMPTIONS/ HYPOTHESIS * People stereotype, discriminate and prejudice against others in the society because of the desire to dominate and control members of other groups. * People stereotype, discriminate and prejudice because they are unable to obtain all the information to make a fair judgment. * Negative stereotyping, discrimination and prejudices cause conflicts among individuals. * Understanding and appreciating other people’s values and culture will help decrease stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in the society. 2. 6 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY To seek new insights; to ask questions and assess phenomena in a different perspective in relation to what others have done on the topic. It will educate us about value diversity and equal opportunity. We will understand how to challenge assertively expressions of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice. Develop a responsible attitude towards person relationships. 2. 7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY * The study will help us to develop knowledge on our field of research. * The study on stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice will enable us explain to others what it entails and it consequences on human life. * The study will enable us develop our skill in research. * Educate others on the topic. 2. 8 CONCEPTUALIZATION Gender: Women over the years have fought shoulder to shoulder with men to gain recognition and freedom from all source of discrimination and recognition from their hard work and worth. Ethnicity and tribalism: Tribalism infers the possession of a strong cultural or ethnic identity that separate one member of a group from the members of another group. Religion: It involves treating someone differently because that person is associated with an individual of a particular religion or because of his or her connection with a religious organization. Age: It involves treating someone unfairly or less favorably because of his age. Age discrimination can take a form of harassment for example offensive remarks about a person’s age such as teasing offhand comments etc. Program of study: with the program of study, some people look down on other people’s program of study because they feel theirs is better than the others. 2. 9 METHODOLOGY 2. 10. 1 RESEARCH DESIGN AND TYPE OF STUDY Social survey design is a popular and commonly used strategy in social science research and is frequently used to answer who, what, where, how much and how many questions. They allow the collection of large amount of data from a sizable population in a highly economical way. Social Survey Design allows researchers to carry out studies in natural real life settings using probability samples thus increasing external validity of the studies. Using a social survey design will give you more control over the research process and when sampling is used, it is possible to generate findings that are a representative of the whole population at lower cost than collecting the data for the whole population. 1. 9. 2 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE Purposive sampling technique will be used for our sampling technique. With this technique, the researcher selects sampling units subjectively in an attempt to obtain a sample that appears to be a representative of the population. This method is been used also because of its relative advantage of time and cost 1. 9. 3 SAMPLE SIZE Selected students from various halls and hostels. 1. 9. 4 METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Questionnaire includes all techniques of data collection in which each person is asked to respond to the same set of questions in a predetermined order. 1. 9. 5 SOURCES OF DATA Sources of data include the primary source, secondary source and the tertiary source. We will use all the three sources of data. Primary sources include journals, memoirs, dairies, newspapers, reports, interviews, raw data and many more. Secondary sources include books, television and radio documentaries, conference proceedings etc. Tertiary sources Google, Wikipedia, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, Ghana web, Modern Ghana etc. 1. 9. 6 UNITS OF ANALYSIS The unit of analysis is Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology which has a student population of about 45,000. Established in 1952, KNUST has a rich history in its evolution into a first class University over the years. Kwame Nkrumah, the African Personality of the Century and pioneer of African independence is the founder of KNUST. KNUST believes in achievement through diligence and commitment. 1. 9. 7 LIMITATION OF DATA COLLECTION Possible low response rate Members in a group may influence one’s decision Limited input from participants Certain data may be unavailable It may be time consuming The research may intimidate and suppress individual differences 1. 9 ORRGANISATION OF THE STUDY EVENTS| TIME FRAME| Introduction| 1 week| Collecting information for literature review| 8 weeks|. Administering questionnaires and collection| 2 weeks| Analysis of data collected| 2 weeks| Conclusion and summary| 2 weeks| Total time to be used| 17 weeks| CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW The terms stereotype, discrimination and prejudice are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation. But when discussing these terms from a sociological perspective, it is important to define them: stereotypes are oversimplified ideas about groups of people; discrimination refers to actions toward them and prejudice refers to thoughts and feelings about those groups. (Colledge, 2013) Stereotype is an image or idea of a particular type of person or thing that has become fixed through being widely held (Source: Concise Oxford Dictionary). Stereotype is to decide, usually unfairly, that certain people have particular qualities or abilities because they belong to a particular race, sex or social class(Source: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) Discrimination is to make an unjust distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, sex or age. Source: Concise Oxford Dictionary. Discrimination is the practice of treating one particular group in the society in an unfair way. (Source: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. (Source: Concise Oxford Dictionary). Prejudice is to influence someone so that they have an unfair or unreasonable opinion about someone or something. (Source: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) THEORIES RELATING STEREOTYPING, DISCRIMINATION AND PREJUDICE What are the reasons for stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice people? Let’s look at the theories that social scientists have suggested: To be able to measure the existence and extent of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice of a particular kind in a particular social or economic domain, it is necessary to have a theory of how such issue might occur and what its effects might be. Scapegoat Theory: This prejudice springs from frustration among people who are themselves disadvantaged (Dollard, 1939). A scapegoat is a person or category of people typically with little power, whom people unfairly blame for their own troubles. Authoritarian Personality Theory: According to T. W. Adorno et al. (1950), extreme prejudice is a personality trait in certain individuals. This conclusion is supported by research showing that people who display strong prejudice toward one minority usually are intolerant of all minorities. These people look upon society as naturally competitive and hierarchical, with â€Å"better† people (like them) inevitably dominating those who are weaker. Culture Theory: This theory says that stereotyping, discriminating and prejudice may be characteristic of certain people, but some of this is found in everyone because it is embedded in culture. Think of a child growing up and their parents telling them they should marry from the same ethnic group. Conflict Theory: Part of this theory is when powerful people use prejudice to justify oppression others. An example is when minorities claim that they are victims and therefore are entitled to special consideration based on their race. (DJL, 2008) WHY PEOPLE STEREOTYPE, DISCRIMINATE AND PREJUDICE AGAINST OTHERS IN THE SOCIETY The ability to form general categories is an essential feature of human thought. Without it, we could not make sense of the world. Being able to classify our experiences, the people around us, and the material objects of our culture under general headings enables us to behave in new circumstances. We can then respond in appropriate ways to things and people we have never seen before. It allows us to carry over what we have learned in one situation to another similar situation. However, unlike other forms of categorization, stereotyping provides categories that are little, if at all modified by experience and knowledge. People will often ignore or re-interpret experiences in which an individual does not conform to the stereotype of the group, rather than change the stereotype. (Lorne Tepperman, 1991, p. 187) People discriminate out of ignorance and Selfishness and that they dont think about how it would make other people feel also to make them feels better. (Why do people discriminate, 2012) When people encounter instances that disconfirm their stereotypes of a particular group, they tend to assume that those instances are atypical subtypes of the group. Example: Ben stereotypes gay men as being not athletic. When he meets Al, an athletic gay man, he assumes that Al is not a typical representative of gay people. People’s perceptions are influenced by their expectations. Example: Liz has a stereotype of elderly people as mentally unstable. When she sees an elderly woman sitting on a park bench alone, talking out loud, she thinks that the woman is talking to herself because she is unstable. Liz fails to notice that the woman is actually talking on a cell phone. People selectively recall instances that confirm their stereotypes and forget about disconfirming instances. Researchers find it difficult to measure prejudice. One reason for this is that people differ in the type and extent of prejudice they harbor. For example, a person who makes demeaning comments about a particular ethnic group may be bigoted or just ignorant. Also, people often do not admit to being prejudiced. (Source: (Lewin, 2012), 14th November, 2012, 10am) Why do we form opinions about other people based on their appearance, posture, language, and so on? We do this because different factors contribute to why people stereotype each other. We stereotype, discriminate and prejudice other people when we are unable or unwilling to obtain all of the information we need to make a fair judgment about people or situations. In the absence of the so called total picture, to stereotype people in many cases allow us to fill in the missing pieces of information. Our society often innocently creates and perpetuates stereotypes, but these stereotypes often lead to unfair discrimination and persecution when the person been stereotype is unfavorable. For example, if we are walking through a park late at night and encounter three senior citizens wearing fur coats and walking with canes, we may not feel as threatened as if we were met by three high school-aged boys wearing hoodies. These generalizations root from our experiences we have had ourselves, read in books, and magazines, seen in movies or television, or have had related to us by friends and family. In many cases, these stereotypical generalizations are reasonably accurate. Yet in virtually, every case we are resorting to is prejudice by ascribing characteristics about a person based on appearance, without knowledge of the total facts. By stereotyping, we assume that a person or a group of certain characteristics. Quite often, we have stereotyped a person who might be a member of a group with which we have not had firsthand contact with before. (Why do we stereotype? , 2012). According to psychologist Gordon Allport, prejudice and stereotypes emerge in part as a result of normal human thinking. In order to make sense of the world around us, it is important to sort information into mental categories. The human mind must think with the aid of categories, Allport explained. Once formed, categories are the basis for normal prejudgment. We cannot possibly avoid this process. Orderly living depends upon it. † This process of categorization applies to the social world as well, as we sort people into mental groups based on factors such as age, sex and race. (Cherry, 2013) SOURCES OF STEREOTYPING, DISCRIMINATION AND PREJUDICE IN THE SOCIETY AUTHORITHAIANISM The authoritarian personality is rigid and inflexible and has a very low tolerance for uncertainty. People with this type of personality have great respect for authority figures and quickly submit to their will. They place a high value on conventional behavior. By labeling unconventional people ‘inferior’, ‘immature’ or ‘degenerate’, the authoritarians avoid s any need to question their beliefs and attitudes. SCAPE-GOATING Unpopular minority groups are often used as scapegoats for other people’s problems. They are blamed for wide varied things that they could not possibly have caused. The term originates from a Hebrew tradition. On Yom Kippur, a goat was set loose in the wilderness after the high priest had symbolically laid all the sins of the person on its head (Leviticus 16:20-22). One explanation of scape-goating is the frustration-aggression theory. Its three basic principles are that; (1) Frustration produces aggression. (2) This aggression cannot safely be directed against powerful people and (3) The aggression is therefore transferred to weaker individual who cannot fight such as members of an unpopular minority group. LEARNING Although prejudice and discrimination are sometimes associated with certain personality traits or with frustration, both are learned. South Africans do not need authoritarian personalities to have strong racial prejudice, because they learn such attitudes from their culture. Most prejudice is acquired early in the socialization process. Children adopt their parents’ prejudice as naturally as they adopt their parents’ language, and discrimination follow prejudice as regularly as night follows day. Some of the most common prejudices are taken from ethnic stereotype- ideas that portray all the members of a group as having similar fixed, usually unfavorable characteristics. ECONOMICS Conflicts between ethnic groups foster prejudice and discrimination. Some social scientists particularly Marxists, are convinced that all conflict stems from economic causes. Whether one accepts this idea or not, there is ample evidence that, the realities of economic completion lies beneath much prejudice and discrimination. In times of high unemployment, members of the dominant group can protect their jobs by making sure that members of subordinate groups are dismissed first. It has long been noted that anti black prejudice is high among white-working class men who compete with blacks for low paying, unskilled jobs. POLITICS The quest for power promotes prejudice and discrimination just as the quest for money does. Dominant groups use discrimination as a technique for maintaining their power, appealing to popular prejudice to justify their discrimination. In some societies, political discrimination is obvious and accepted fact of life. For example, South African does not allow native Africans to vote and until quite recently, many American communities denied the same right to their black citizens. (Coleman, 2002, pp.193-196) ROLE OF STEREOTYPING, DISCRIMINATING AND PREJUDICE IN TRIBAL CONFLICTS Stereotypes distort history through oversimplification but they are also extremely dangerous breeding grounds for bigotry, fear, resentment, irrationality, animosity, hatred and ethnic conflict and cleansing. Stereotypes generate self-serving attitudes such as we deserve more because we sacrificed more than others, they are suffering because it is their own fault, and it is their problem since they are killing their own people and it is their government and we have nothing to do with it. In extremes cases, stereotypes have culminated in mass violence, the mass displacement of millions of fellow citizens, ethnic cleansing, pogroms and genocide. (A. B. K. Kasozi, 1999; G. Prunier, 1995; P. Gourevitch, 1998 and M. Mamdam, 2002). The concept of tribe was derogatorily developed in the 19th century by racist western scholars and journalists to designate alien ‘non-white’ people as inferior or less civilized and as having not yet evolved from a primary state. From Kukubor, the following stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice can lead to tribal conflicts. From (Kukubor, 2006), ADVOCATING SEGREGATION. This advocacy represents a belief that different ethnic groups should live apart, have absolute control over certain natural resources, can be exposed to special benefits. This advocacy began in the Ashanti Confederacy at pre-independence unsuccessfully agitated for a Federal state so as to appropriate the perceived wealth of the Ashanti. Extreme pride in one’s ethnic group and Obsequious patriotism is good but extreme pride in one’s ethnic group has proven to be the fascist of all regimes. CONSTANT REFERENCE TO A PERSON’S ETHNICITY A mere mention of someone’s ethnic group on a first encounter could be benign. But constant reference to the person’s ethnic group after a long period f knowing that person, no matter how innocent the references may appear, establishes unmistakably tribal patterns. BELITTLING OTHER GROUPS AND INDIFFERENCE TO THE FEELINGS OF OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS. Constant criticism and ridicule of the opinions of other ethnic groups, which is often done sarcastically without explicitly making mention of the ethnicity of persons. It is also typical to make fun of members of the ‘inferior’ ethnic group. EXCESSIVE HATE FOR A PARTICULAR ETHNIC GROUP. This is where one adopts an exaggerated reaction to any perceived misconduct from a person of the other ethnic group. In this situation, the punishment is out of proportion to the original wrong, whether real or perceived, and completely ignores the provocation that have led to the misconduct resulting in conflicts. NON- RECOGNITION OF THE ABILITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS. This attitude is so endemic in our political history. Some ethnic groups in this country have consistently denied the intelligence, cultural level, social status or other qualities of other ethnic groups in the face of overwhelming evidence. CONDESCENDING ATTITUDE OR BEHAVIOR. People show condescending attitude towards other members of different ethnic groups. They exhibit this by attacking other members which cause them most offense. They even employ members of other groups they perceive as enemies and use them to attack members of that ethnic group. These ‘employees’ may openly condemn the culture of their ethnic group as backward and shower praises on the members of ‘superior’ ethnic group. Furthermore, these people have no insight into their own prejudice. They believe that their prejudice is based on objective grounds that cannot be compromised. By this strong fixation, an individual is capable of violence and other forms of crime towards members of what he views as the ‘inferior’ ethnic group. For Hima/tutsi elite being called superior and alien had a feel good effect. They were proud to be told that they had racial affinities, however distant, with the new colonial masters Overtime they developed a superiority complex, which they used to claim privileges and entitlements, including being appointed colonial chiefs. They then reinvented the pre-colonial past to live the impression that their superiority had existed since time immemorial. Like the new colonial masters, they grounded their rights and privileges on the right of conquering and subjugating the natives some four to five centuries before the advent of European conquest and occupation. On their part, the natives felt dejected and resentful. They carried the burden of taxation and forced labor. Under colonialism, they served two sets of masters – the white and Hima/Tutsi elite masters. In due course, they sought to turn their supposed native status to their political advantage. In Rwanda and to some extent Ankole, the so-called natives began to make political demands on the ground that they were the natural majority. The extremists even went to the extent of demanding the return of the Tutsi/Hima aliens to their original homelands, where they came from, and wherever that might be (Doornbos, 1978:31). This led to the tensions of the 1940s and 1950s and the expulsion of the so-called Bayarwanda in the early 1980s. ( www. grandslacs. net/doc/3782, 1:15pm, 15th November 15, 2012) STATEGIES FOR DEALING WITH STEREOTYPING, DISCRIMINATION, PREJUDICE RELATED SITUATIONS The key to reversing stereotypes is to contradict them, in direct interactions between people, in the media, and through education. Between the individuals: once people get to know a person from the other side, they are often will determine that the other is not nearly as bad as they originally had assumed. Even when people learn that they share fear or sadness, they can begin to understand each other more. When they come to understand that the other is afraid of being hurt, or losing a loved one in war, just as they are, that brings people together. Depending on the context and other interactions, the image of the group as a whole may become more positive as well. In the media: the media also plays an important role in both perpetuating and in breaking down stereotypes. If they characterize particular groups of people in certain ways, their viewers (or readers) are likely to do the same. So if a movie or the motion picture industry in general, characterizes a group of people negatively, they are likely to be perpetuating negative stereotypes and making conflicts worse. If they emphasize the positive aspects of groups that contradict prevalent stereotypes, they can have a significant role in building mutual understanding. In Education: Educational institutions and teaching materials also have the opportunity to affect stereotypes, and hence influence inter-group relations. Efforts to teach about different cultures and the history of different racial and ethnic groups can help build inter-group understanding if it is done in an effective and sympathetic way. Changing stereotypes is largely the job of individuals. Each of us should examine the assumptions that we make about others and ask ourselves where those assumptions come from. (Source: (Why do we stereotype? , 2012) Training people to become more empathetic to members of other groups is one method that can reduce stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice. By imaging themselves in the same situation, people are able to think about how they would react and gain a greater understanding of other peoples actions. Other techniques that are used to reduce prejudice include: * Passing laws and regulations that require fair and equal treatment for all groups of people. * Gaining public support and awareness for stereotype, discrimination and prejudice social norms. * Making people aware of the inconsistencies in their own beliefs. * Increased contact with members of other social groups. (Cherry, 2013) Pettigrew (1981) and others proposed that stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice can be reduced by increasing contact between groups (the contact hypothesis), social learning, social re-categorization and weakening stereotypes. INCREASING CONTACTS BETWEEN GROUPS Contact is effective under these limiting conditions: * Groups are roughly equal in status (social, economic, or task relevant) * Contact involves cooperation and interdependence * Contact is informal so groups get to know one another as individual * Persons must regard one another as typical of their respective groups SOCIAL LEARNING * To the extent that prejudices and stereotypes are learned, we can work to avoid teaching them to children * Parents and teachers, made aware of their own prejudices, may work to modify their behavior to encourage lower levels of stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in children. SOCIAL RE-CATEGORIZATION The common in-group identity model (Gaertner, Dovidio et al. , 1993) * When members of different social groups come to see themselves as members of a single social entity, their attitudes toward the former out-group members become more positive * Crucial factor is existence of situation in which groups work together cooperatively toward shared goals * Strong support for common in-group identity model from lab and field studies, but hard to implement in real life settings WEAKENING STEREOTYPES. Stereotypes can be reduced if persons can be made to engage in attribute-driven processing thinking about the unique characteristics of individuals. Factors that encourage attribute-driven processing: * Give person incentive to think accurately about others (Neuberg, 1989) * Inform persons that their own outcomes depend on anothers performance, or that it is important that they form an accurate impression of other. * Successful outcomes for members of other groups (e.g. , career success) can counter stereotypes because we often attribute positive characteristics to those who have good outcomes. (Reducing Stereotyping, Discrimination and Prejudice, 2012) CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The conceptual framework consists of age, program of study, gender, religion, ethnicity and tribalism which we use as a guide through the study. CHAPTER 3 DATA ANALYSIS The chapter three entails the data collection and analyses based on the objectives. Questionnaires were given out to a sample of 100 students to find the extent of their knowledge on stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in KNUST and this was their response. The data analyses system used is the SPSS. The bar chart is used to break the frequencies to make it more understandable and easy to interpret. 1. From the 100 respondents, 84% know about stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice in KNUST, 8% do not know about it and 8% also do not really know about it. stereotyping discrimination prejudice in KNUST|. | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| Yes| 84| 84. 0| 84. 0| 84. 0| | No| 8| 8. 0| 8. 0| 92. 0| | not really| 8| 8. 0| 8. 0| 100. 0| | Total| 100| 100. 0| 100. 0| | 2. Talking about people who speak up when someone is humiliating, insulting and ridiculing another person, 47% said they usually speak up, 15% said they always, 9% said they never and 29% said they ignore humiliating insulting ridiculing another person| | | Frequency| Percent| Valid Percent| Cumulative Percent| Valid| Usua.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

History of the Apollo Program Essay -- space shuttle program apollo mi

We choose to go to the moon... "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon, and returning him, safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more important in the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult of expensive to accomplish."(John F. Kennedy - "Special Joint Session of Congress", May 25th, 1961) With just a few words John F. Kennedy launched one of the largest endeavors that America has ever embarked upon. The address given to congress in May of 1961 put America in a race against Russia to see who could make it to the moon first. This was the start of the space program in America. From it came the Mercury Project with the goal to put the first man into space. The Mercury project launched 26, rockets of which only six were manned flights. The Mercury program put the first American into space on February 20, 1962. John H. Glenn, Jr. was the first American into space. He was the first man to orbit the earth. A claim that Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space (April 12, 1961),can't make. The Russians did circle the earth in space but not in orbit. When John Glenn took off in the Mercury-Atlas 6 rocket, named Friendship 7, he made history. It was less then one year after the challenge of John F. Kennedy to place a man on the moon. The flight lasted for only 04 hours, 55 minutes and 23 seconds. Still in that short time John Glenn went around earth three times, and became an American hero. The Mercury project was finished with the launch of the Mercury-Atlas 9 rocket, named Faith 7, launched May 15,1963. Faith 7 held only one passenger, L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.. He spent 34 hours, 19 minutes, ... ...and right now final record. They also gathered 234 pounds (110.4kg) of material form the moon. There was also the performance of the trans-Earth EVA that was done by Ronald Evans it lasted 01 hour, 06 minutes. With the splash down of the Apollo XVII module our days on the moon ended. The last time that a man walked on the moon I was not born. There has not been a flight to the moon for over 30 years. I personally feel that this is a true tragedy. I have seen it written that if the Apollo program had continued to receive funding as it had in the early 70’s we would have a base on the moon. If so we would have unmanned lunar Modules to bring supplies to the moon. These may be dreams but as someone that has grown up in the space age I feel that we could achieve these dreams if we really wanted to. I hope that some day, before I am to old, we return to the moon.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Maybelline vs. Mary Kay

Mary Kay vs. Maybelline Mary Kay has been one of America’s most trusted global names in skin care,  makeup  & body care for many years, as well as Maybelline cosmetics. Both provide America and the rest of the world with astonishing beauty products like make up, lip stick, and lip gloss. When American women and teenagers go out to buy their cosmetics, they are bombarded with different ads and different products saying that what they make is the best thing out there.Mary Kay and Maybelline cosmetics are always going back in forth with their many different cosmetics and it is leaving women and teenagers clueless which one is better all across the United States. The newest lip gloss that Mary Kay has come out with is NouriShine Plus. NouriShine Plus has a new NouriShine formula that nourishment the lips right when being applied. It comes in 6 irresistible colors all enhanced with super shine sparkles to give your lips the perfect shine. The Lip Gloss, unlike other lip glosses has good for you ingredients that will not stick to your lips, but will wear away over time.The model who is modeling the product has no pores on her face what so ever, a smooth face, is applying the lip gloss with a relaxed and confident look on her face, and has perfect red lips that shine with the NouriShine Plus Rockin-Red Lip Gloss. The model also has a photo shopped check and chin line, perfect eyebrows, and bright shining red jewelry that matches the lip gloss to a T. Mary Kay put there Facebook page and website name on the bottom of the add so that viewers of the add can look further into the different types of Mary Kay cosmetics.On the add itself it says this about their new Lip Gloss â€Å"Drench your lips in irresistible colors. In finishes that go from supershine to shimmering sparkle. And pamper lips with good-for-you ingredients. To color your lips incredible, contact your Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant or connect with one at MaryKay. com. † Obviously M ary Kay is happy about their product enough to go into that much detail and say that many good things about their NouriShine Plus Lip Gloss. The Purpose of the argument is to convince the audience to buy Mary Kay NouriShine Plus Lip Gloss.The Audience that Mary Kay’s products are for are teenager and women ranging from the young age of 12 to the old age of 65. The age range needs to be big because Mary Kay wants to sell as many products as possible, so to be able to do that; they need to have a wide range of age. The technique the augment uses is the emotional technique. It uses emotional because it makes the buyer/user of the product feel better about herself, and makes the product user feel more comfortable or better looking than what they felt like before using the product.The maker of the argument is the Mary Kay companies themselves and their model. The model is making the argument by showing herself using the product, while Mary Kay is the company that is providing the model with the lip gloss, and there are the ones that made and are trying to sell their product. The facts that the argument relies on is that their lip gloss has long lasting shine and good for you ingredients. The authorities that the argument relies on are making the user prettier and more attractive because her lips gloss has more shine than any other.What claims are being used? Their product outlasts and outshines the competition with six irresistible colors that don’t stick because they have healthier ingredients. The social conflicts are that in public a woman’s lips will still shine even though she put the lip gloss on over 7 hours ago. The historical conflicts are that Mary Kay has been around for 65 years and had provided American citizens with quality cosmetics ever since they became about. The argument is arranged with a model in the center of the ad, applying the lip gloss with a relaxed look on her face.With small text describing what their new NouriShine Plus lip gloss is, and were to contact Mary Kay at. The ad persuades that audience to buy their product because there isn’t another product that is out there similar to it, will make a women feel more beautiful and a better self esteem because she doesn’t have to worry if her lips are still shinning on a Saturday night. Maybelline is known around the world as one of the most premiere cosmetics suppliers around. From their catchy catch phrase ‘Maybe she’s born with it, Maybe its Maybelline†, to their beautiful products and models.The newest lip gloss that hit the market with Maybelline’s name on it is their new Super Stay 10 Hour Lip Gloss. Their new lip gloss has lasting color, super stay formula that won’t dry out, glides on wet and smooth, and a feel fresh all day feel. The text describing their new lip gloss is â€Å"New Super Stay 10 Hour Stain Gloss, A whole new wear; vibrant & shiny, never flat. A whole new feel; feels fresh all day, never dry. A whole new application; glides on wet & smooth, never drags. Available in 10 long lasting colors, the new lip gloss is guaranteed never to dry out or to drag when being applied.The Maybelline model that is modeling the product, has perfect white teeth, straight eyebrows, photo shopped cheek line, no pores and a baby skin face, and ruby red lips that have just been drenched in the new lip gloss Maybelline’s secret that they put on the ad is â€Å"Unlike traditional lipstains, our shine enhancing, formula glides on for a lightweight layer of color that wont dry out. † No other product lists their so called secret on their ad, it is because Maybelline is so confident that their product will sell that they don’t need to lie to their customer, they will just tell them the truth.The Purpose of the argument is to convince the audience to buy Maybelline’s 10 hour lip stain. The Audience that Maybelline’s products are made for are teenager s and women ranging from the young age of 12 to the old age of 65 just like Mary Kays. The technique that the argument uses is the emotional technique. It uses emotional because it makes the buyer/user of the product feel better about herself, and makes the product user feel more comfortable or better looking than what they felt like before using the product. The maker of the argument is the Maybelline companies and their model.The model is making the argument by showing herself using the product with a big smile, and with the new lip stain fresh on her lips. Maybelline is making the argument because they are the company that is providing the model with the lip gloss, and there are the ones that made and are trying to sell their new product. The facts that the argument relies on is that their lip gloss has a 10 hour super stay formula. The authorities that the argument relies on are making the user prettier and more attractive because her lips gloss will outlast the competition.The claims that are being used is that Maybelline’s product outlasts other competition because of their new 10 hour super stay colors that don’t drag or dry. The social conflicts are that in public a women usually has to go to the bathroom to apply more lip gloss, but with the new 10 hour super stay, she only needs to apply it once a day. The historical conflicts are that Maybelline is the most trusted name in cosmetics, and that they have never made a product that the buyer was not happy with.The argument is arranged with a model on the far left side of the ad, smiling with a fresh layer of lip stain that she just applied. With bigvtext describing what their new 10 hour stay lip gloss is. The ad persuades that audience to buy their product because there isn’t another product that is out there similar to it, will make a women feel more beautiful. When you put these two different products side by side, the Maybelline 10 hour stay, and Mar Kay’s Super stain, th ey are almost identical on every aspect of their ad.The difference in the product is only what the product does in terms of long lasting shine or 10 hour stay formula, and also the only other difference would be the companies that make them and the different looking bottles that they come in. Both are trying to sell their new type of lip gloss, both have a beautiful model modeling their lip gloss, both stated the positive side of the lip gloss, and both didn’t say anything negative or the side effects of taking their product.If myself was to go out and buy lip gloss I would be undecided on the quality of Mary Kay vs. Maybelline’s lip gloss, but the only thing keeping me from spending my money, sit the price of beauty. The external aspect that would draw me more toward one or the other product would have to be the healthier lip gloss that has the â€Å"good for you ingredients†, because nobody wants to put things on themselves that makes their lips feel like they are being dragged down by so much lip gloss.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Poverty on the Rise - 811 Words

Poverty on the Rise There is a very wide range of income for individuals and families. This is why we have people that are very wealthy which are referred to as the upper class and there is the middle class that makes an average income, and the bottom of the income bracket lies the people in poverty. Poverty is a condition in which a person or family does not have the means to satisfy basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Your race does not matter, every race has people that are in poverty. But as it is statistically shown, different races have a different number of people in poverty. In 1996, the federal government established a minimum income level below which a person or family is declared in†¦show more content†¦A lot of the poverty population is made up of income-maintenance programs. I would like to talk about few of the programs that the government offers for people in poverty. Social insurance programs is the first. There are many different t ypes to the social insurance program. The first two are OASDHI and Medicare. OASDHI is also known as social security, which replaces wages lost after retirement. Medicare provides hospital insurance for the elderly and disabled. The third type is unemployment compensation which allows workers that are unemployed for a while to collect thirty-five percent of their lost wages. The second program is Pubic Assistance. The first type is Supplemental Security Income(SSI) this program allows disabled people to receive a minimum income. Aid to Families with Dependent Children(AFDC) and Medicaid usually are linked together. Medicaid will pay for hospital bills. AFDC provides certain families with children financial support. Medicaid is also offered to SSI recipiances. The food stamp program is the last type. It provides Americans with coupons that can be used for food. The government spends about 736 billion of its dollars on these different types of programs. Gentry-3 The government provides people in poverty that are in the public assistance programs with three different plans. They are supposed to help able-bodied, nonretired individuals get out of poverty. The three differentShow MoreRelatedPoverty In Canada Has Been On The Rise For Many Years And1887 Words   |  8 PagesPoverty in Canada has been on the rise for many years and there have been various statistics surrounding poverty among the provinces in Canada. The driving forces regarding poverty such as the social assistance benefits, the level of minimum wage, and minimal employment all are key elements that encourage poverty. Those that are most susceptible to go through poverty include children, aboriginals, Canadians of colour, those that have disabilities or physically impaired, women, and those that recentlyRead MorePoverty : A Social Economical Problem868 Words   |  4 PagesThe idea poverty as a social economical problem started way back during the Early Industrial Age. 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